lutong bahay recipe-picadillo


Picadillo is a dish mainly consisting of ground beef (sometimes shredded pork or chicken) typically found in Cuba, Mexico, and other Latin American countries, and […]

lutong bahay recipe-totsong bangus

Totsong Bangus

Totsong Bangus or (milkfish in fermented tofu (soy cake) with tausi ) is one of the popular fish dish of the Filipino which is chinese in origin. Basically Totsong […]

lutong bahay recipe-chicken binakol

Chicken Binakol

Chicken Binakol is a Filipino soup made from chicken cooked in coconut water with grated coconut, green papaya (or chayote), leafy vegetables, garlic, onion, ginger, lemongrass, […]

lutong bahay - pancit bihon

Pancit Bihon

Pancit Bihon – This Filipino pancit version is the most popular among Filipinos.  According to wikipedia, the pancit in Filipino cuisine, are noodles. Noodles were […]